Mme Spasoff

Literacy Websites (French and English)


This site has both French and English books that students can read on their own, or have read to them.  There are games and quizzes about vocabulary and comprehension to complete after reading. 

      *Note: You now need to enter a Regina Public Library card number to access Tumblebooks online. *

This website contains English books only, but have a read-along feature with colourful, animated illustrations.

This site offers practice and reinforcement of French sounds, pronunciation, vocabulary, numbers, songs and games.

Online games for French Language Arts and Math for Kindergarten to Grade 6.

A great website for students wanting more exposure to spoken French.  A variety of French stories that students can read on their own, or have read to them.  Parents must set up a free account before accessing the stories.

Perfect for Kindergarten, Grade One and those new to French Immersion, this site is available for French and English practice of the alphabet, numbers, colours, shapes and more!

Many activities for English practice with letters, spelling, vocabulary and reading.

A great site for beginning readers in English, starting with alphabet sounds to easy stories.

A fun, interactive website for practice of the English alphabet, spelling, sentences, synonyms and antonyms.

Interactive games with practice in reading and math.

Numeracy Websites

This website is extremely useful when trying to understand new math concepts.  An example of a 'flipped classroom' where students can search for a lesson and watch an explanation of the math concept online.

Interactive games that students can play to practice math concepts directly related to the Saskatchewan math curriculum from Kindergarten to Grade Twelve.

This interactive website allows students to practice math using manipulatives that are used in the classroom, including base-ten blocks, graphs, geoboards and many others.  Also available in French.

A highly recommended website for extra practice in all areas of math that correspond with the Saskatchewan math curriculum from Kindergarten to Grade Nine.  Twenty questions are available for free daily with an option to subscribe for greater access.

Fun interactive math games that students will love!

More fun and interactive math games from Kindergarten to Grade Six.

Games, games and more games!

Lots of math games, including counting, math facts, estimation and more!

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